Breaking News
We are excited to announce that MEDHOST and MorCare have joined forces.
Document, track, monitor, review, act, improve, repeat.
As a user, you can define an unlimited number of incident types, including falls, medication errors, patient complaints, safety issues and surgical events. Incidents can be specific to patients, visitors, staff or others.
How it works: Organizations can track incidents in several areas, including the incident category, location, service unit, department, shift, and more. All incidents reported are immediately added to the work list where patient safety, risk managers and staff can track, review, validate and further investigate the data to gather additional information, better understand the case, determine root causes, and use the analytics to identify remedial measures.
Configurable work list that is designed specific to an organization’s needs
Enhanced workflow with the ability to refer cases to others, including nurse and department managers, for additional data collection or review
Automated reminder notifications of outstanding reports
Useful metrics that drill down on data analytics through interactive dashboards
Create safety huddle reports for tracking and trending
Utilize e-alert notifications for high priority reports or cases
Required standardized format
Metrics matter. To help gain further insight, our Patient Safety and Risk Management system includes interactive dashboards, standard reports and reporting views that make it possible to generate ad hoc reports. Our advanced dashboards use data analytics to drill down and apply the 80/20 rule. This actionable information provides visuals and reports to help leadership better understand trends and contributing factors for reported incidents. The dashboards also allow organizations to gain valuable insight and visibility across the entire organization when it comes to key safety issues, thus providing direction for making organizations safer places for patients, families, visitors and staff.
Enter your name and email below to download “Why Consider an Automated Solution for Care Management” and find out what you can do to streamline patient transitions at your facility.
Enter your name and email below to download “Why Consider an Automated Solution for Care Management” and find out what you can do to streamline patient transitions at your facility.
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