Breaking News

We are excited to announce that MEDHOST and MorCare have joined forces.

WEBINAR RECORDING: SDOH: Where Do Care Managers Start?

Watch the webinar, Social Determinants of Health: Where Do Care Managers Start by completing the form request below.

Social determinants of health (SDOH) are non-health related factors that account for up to 80% of health outcomes. SDOH significantly affect the work of care managers and social workers, all too often resulting in challenging barriers to the delivery of end-to-end care. It is essential for care teams to address SDOH in order to improve health outcomes and disparities in care.

In this webinar, we go back to basics to deliver an informative overview on:

  • Steps for identifying complex populations;
  • Utilizing relevant patient assessments;
  • Sourcing and securing appropriate resources to connect patients with community providers;
  • And highlighting recommended patient engagement strategies.
  • Following this overview, the team at MorCare will explore a case study scenario to demonstrate the effectiveness of using an automated solution to help facilitate success in screening, managing and engaging with your SDOH patients.


Want to make patient transitions easier? Read this!

Enter your name and email below to download “Why Consider an Automated Solution for Care Management” and find out what you can do to streamline patient transitions at your facility.

Want to make patient transitions easier? Read this!

Enter your name and email below to download “Why Consider an Automated Solution for Care Management” and find out what you can do to streamline patient transitions at your facility.