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BLOG: What Your Organization Needs from a Care Management Solution: Top 5 Takeaways

In a fast-paced world that demands your attention to be split 500 different ways, there’s one thing we can make easier for you. That’s explaining why any facility — whether that may be a hospital, clinic, community access center or health system can benefit from a care management solution. Not only that, but also the top 5 takeaways you need to consider as the most desirable and high-priority features when selecting a care management solution.

My name is Dana, I’m a Senior Clinical Solutions Consultant at MorCare, a leading customer-centric enterprise software company that offers care management solutions across the continuum of care. Consistently, when working with new or prospective customers the most sought-after request we receive is the hope to utilize a solution that offers flexibility. Flexible can mean a lot of different things. At MorCare, we provide a “gold standard” starter solution. You can think of this as an ‘off the shelf’ and fully enabled solution equipped with an assortment of startup assessments and questionnaires. The benefit to this is that we provide everything you need to hit the ground running. Naturally, once your team becomes more familiarized, if you identify that additional specific information is pertinent to your processes outcomes, the solution easily allows you to modify or tweak the preexisting and configured solution tools. Therefore, you can take a gold standard package and over time build on it to develop your own customized workflows and assessments that can adapt to any landscape at the click of a few buttons.

Here are 5 ways MorCare enables a customer-centric solution, which arguably are also among the top features you should be looking for or employing in any care management platform.

#1. User-defined Assessments: 
As regulations, processes, or mandates change on a dime you need to have the power in your hands. MorCare provides users with the tools and training they need to modify a standard MorCare assessment or create one that meets your organization needs.

#2. Real-time Notifications:
Time is always of the essence. It’s critical to receive real-time notifications regarding Readmits, High Risk patients, etc. instantly through fluid Work Lists, Email, Text, and more.

#3. Track and Monitor Patient (and non-Patient) Safety Events:
Cut the complexities. You want to be able to utilize customizable online incident/event forms when unanticipated events or situations arise. Instant, real-time notifications are also vital when keeping management staff and department heads in ‘the know’ or to initiate further follow-up.

#4. National Provider Database:
You need to be connected! Having an extensive national database like MorCare’s Provider Resource Networking (PRN) feature allows organizations to search for PAC Providers or Community Resources for their patients, and “hard to place patients” while providing a FREE secure portal for the Providers to communicate with the referring hospital.

#5. Monitoring High Risk Patients After Discharge:
Utilizing a continuum module is advantageous to any organization. This tool provides a place to document all contacts to home bound or “shelter in place” patients. A feature like this includes scheduling telemedicine appointments, checking on medication refills, or just a bi-weekly touch-base. This also offers additional tools to help keep your high-risk populations safe!

Bonus Points: #6.
Ability to seamlessly interface with all major EMRs One thing customers really appreciate, is how MorCare has a real-time standard HL7 interface that allows patients to appear in our system immediately for the appropriate staff members.

By: Dana Beaver-Lewis, Senior Clinical Solutions Consultant
Connect with Dana on LinkedIn
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Want to make patient transitions easier? Read this!

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Want to make patient transitions easier? Read this!

Enter your name and email below to download “Why Consider an Automated Solution for Care Management” and find out what you can do to streamline patient transitions at your facility.